2012 m. kovo 29 d., ketvirtadienis

News from a Mad Hatter

I always loved hats. My grandpa was an old-fashioned gentleman and always had a hat on. I have written about his sense of style in one of my early blog entries. My dad is not a fashion icon by far, but I associate his face with any sort of hat all the time! My dance partner Mindaugas is also wearing hats and whenever we travel he looks like a rock star and this makes life so much more interesting :D I love wearing hats too. But I like making and collecting them more than wearing them everyday. Finally I put myself together and tried to make one of these hats that I like. Here is my attempt of a classic 8 panel News Boy Hat:

Well... it was an interesting process but it's way more complicated than I looks before you start. It turned out well, but A LITTLE over-sized........ my art will go to Herrangs Prop Shop :D

After I learned how to do that, I went to the lady who makes hats and ordered some that look WAYYYY better - check Mindaugas in the video:

So now the story behind these hats is this: I sat down with my costume-designer-mom and made a pattern that I took to the professional lady that does the hats forever. And here is the result that you can have and enjoy. With love from Lithuania. Each hat will be a little different but all of them will have Paplaitis touch :D I hope to bring some to Herrang and now I travel with some, so let me know if you want one of these:

Peace and love,

P.S. They might look good on your girlfriend too...

2012 m. kovo 28 d., trečiadienis

Dreams in Vokieciu street

I had several inspiring photo shoots with Dalia Čiupailaitė recently and those photos evoked so many stories in my head. I will put some pictures here and share some stories while I'm on the road again. Leaving to Cracow at 5 am this morning and then... across the seas again. 'Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?'

"whatever you focus on is what you will get"

You can call it self motivation, supernatural powers, self-suggestion or what ever you like. Tonight I think of so many moments in my life where I have not failed to direct myself with my thoughts to make things happen or not happen. Sometimes I do bad stuff to myself, but I also think, that there is no bad, that does not turn into something good.

Do you notice that too? Do you read signs like dreams? things you find? Do you believe in superstitions or do you make any superstitions or small everyday rituals? Life would be so boring without that.

2012 m. kovo 22 d., ketvirtadienis

Apie daiktų efemeriškumą

Pakalbėkime dar kartelį apie tuštybę ir, sakykim, kai kurių profesijų specifiką. Visai neseniai vėl atsidūriau nepatogioje situacijoje, kai turėjau per mažai skirtingų apdarų vakarams viename iš džiazo šokių renginių. Atrodo, anokia čia bėda, susimeti į lagaminą 5 sukneles ir esi pasiruošus, bet - o ką, jei su 3 iš tų 5 jau pasirodei bent 27 nuotraukose per pastaruosiuos tris mėnesius? Va tada kyla klausimas, kas yra praktiškiau - ar milijonas beverčių greitrūbių iš visokių topšopų, ar vienintelės penkios mano pačios sugalvotos ir man asmeniškai pasiūtos suknelės, kurios nei plyšta, nei trukdo, nei galvoti apie jas iš viso reikia po tos minutės, kai išeini pro duris.. aš gal esu senovinio sukirpimo, bet man patinka turėti keletą "amžinų" daiktų, kurie kažką sako apie asmenį ir kuria nuotaiką, o ne 100 viendienių niekalų. Gal reikia pradėti vilkėti vyrišką kostiumą?

o ką jūs apie tai?

2012 m. kovo 21 d., trečiadienis

Naujas pavadinimas - New Title

Kartais atsibundu ryte ir einu ko nors pakeisti, o kai pakeičiu, viskas toliau teka lyg niekur nieko, lyg tas pasikeitimas buvo seniai įsiliejęs į gyvenimą. Taip ir su šitos mano internetinės erdvės pavadinimu - atsiverčiau langą, pažiūrėjau ir pervadinau taip, kaip man dabar atrodo geriausia ir kokia simbolika labiausiai atitinka dabartines nuotaikas. Vienintelis dalykas, kuris iš tiesų turėtų sekti po šios permainos - tai dažnesni blog'o įrašai. Tikiuosi, kad įkvėpimo bus. Gero pavasario!

Sometimes I wake up in the morning and make changes, and then I change something, this change is so natural that it almost doesn't feel like a change, but like a natural way of being. The change of the blog title is also a natural reflection of the symbols important to me in recent life. The only truly consequential action after this change supposed to be more blog entries. I hope to be inspired to share, not only to keep things for myself. Happy spring to all!