2012 m. gegužės 20 d., sekmadienis

Things you do in NYC...

...when you have (almost) nowhere to go.
The other night J and me where talking about things we managed to do in NYC in one week. Apparently we did a lot, but for our crazy tempo was an easy flow... so:
1) 5 hours at Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC, exploring Greek, Egyptian and Asian art, mostly jewelery and pottery/glass. Visited Schiaparelli vs Prada exhibit. Pretty cool.
2) Went to 3 different chicest night clubs - don't ask why - it just happened.
3) Celebrated J's best friends wedding at the amazingly beautiful venue...
4) Seen the ass kicking "Gatz" (8 hour) play at Public Theater, NYC...
5) Started my first internship on the movie that's being filmed in NYC. Working for wardrobe dept. Freaking exciting!
6) Unfortunately all this time me and J are pretty sick :( so low energy...
7) But with this all happening we have slept in randomest places in Queens and Downtown...
8) I've spent aprox. 4 hours in metro trains every day since Monday (today is Saturday night)..
9) J is producing this movie and has been working at least 12 hour days since Monday...
10) I got a great offer from HDC. And a great one from ESDC. Hell yeah!
11) Last night I felt very sad about not going to Harlem 2012 in Vilnius, so J drove me to actual Harlem and took picture of me in front of the tree of hope..
12) I spend at least 4 hours shopping for this movie every day since Monday. NYC is the best place for shopping. Guess what I got for myself after all? two charms and a travel pillow. Practical?
13) met some amazing people!

I'm sad to leave NYC on Monday and going back home to LA. We gonna be shooting on the beach in New Jersey tomorrow. Yay to new locations! I feel like there will definitely be more movie sets in my life oh so very soon.

2 komentarai:

  1. Giedre, kaip nerealu! Tu gyveni išsvajotą gyvenimą, juk taip? Kaip džiugu!

  2. sėdžiu kažkokiam užkampio viešbuty Naujajame Džersyje (kaip juokingai skamba:D) ir pati negaliu patikėt, kas darosi. Likom dar savaitę filmuoti. Tikiuosi LA dėl to niekas nesugrius. va... linkiu visiem patirt tiek įspūdžių.. bet ir streso čia netrūksta
