2012 m. gegužės 21 d., pirmadienis

DIY: how to make a yoga mat bag

While the set is buzzing I think of what's waiting for me at home in LA. And that would be some relaxing sweaty yoga classes.. (But not quite soon, cause there is one more week to go) And I made a new yoga bag for myself right before I left. Here it is!

2012 m. gegužės 20 d., sekmadienis

Things you do in NYC...

...when you have (almost) nowhere to go.
The other night J and me where talking about things we managed to do in NYC in one week. Apparently we did a lot, but for our crazy tempo was an easy flow... so:
1) 5 hours at Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC, exploring Greek, Egyptian and Asian art, mostly jewelery and pottery/glass. Visited Schiaparelli vs Prada exhibit. Pretty cool.
2) Went to 3 different chicest night clubs - don't ask why - it just happened.
3) Celebrated J's best friends wedding at the amazingly beautiful venue...
4) Seen the ass kicking "Gatz" (8 hour) play at Public Theater, NYC...
5) Started my first internship on the movie that's being filmed in NYC. Working for wardrobe dept. Freaking exciting!
6) Unfortunately all this time me and J are pretty sick :( so low energy...
7) But with this all happening we have slept in randomest places in Queens and Downtown...
8) I've spent aprox. 4 hours in metro trains every day since Monday (today is Saturday night)..
9) J is producing this movie and has been working at least 12 hour days since Monday...
10) I got a great offer from HDC. And a great one from ESDC. Hell yeah!
11) Last night I felt very sad about not going to Harlem 2012 in Vilnius, so J drove me to actual Harlem and took picture of me in front of the tree of hope..
12) I spend at least 4 hours shopping for this movie every day since Monday. NYC is the best place for shopping. Guess what I got for myself after all? two charms and a travel pillow. Practical?
13) met some amazing people!

I'm sad to leave NYC on Monday and going back home to LA. We gonna be shooting on the beach in New Jersey tomorrow. Yay to new locations! I feel like there will definitely be more movie sets in my life oh so very soon.

2012 m. gegužės 18 d., penktadienis

What is 70s?

I keep asking ppl around - is 70s the decade before 1970 or after? Anyway... my guts tell me that 70s is glam rock, Tom Waits, the classical "Smoke On Water", bell bottom pants, bikini tan lines, headbands, Bee Gees, Abba...

2012 m. gegužės 16 d., trečiadienis


It was raining today in New York City while I was going up and down the Manhattan with the shopping bags for this movie that I volunteer at. Since there is nothing I could show in this field yet, here are some rainy New York views...

Soure, Times Square, 1943. John Vachon. Office of War Information.
Source, Tompkins Sq. Park, James Jowers, 1967.
Source, Labor Day parade on the rain-soaked streets of New York City, 1909.

2012 m. gegužės 15 d., antradienis


I take of my rings and place them next to me on the marble bar as I feel my fingers landing too heavy on the keyboard. Smooth jazz in the background of the old bar. Some do whiskey, some do red wine over their busy night conversations. I wait for tomorrow as I linger between reality and surreality at almost midnight, at the bar in downtown New York. Just right now.

I have had my first day of the experience as movie wardrobe assistant and - let me tell you - that is what I was looking for for many years! We'll see how it goes. Earlier this week I have visited Metropolitan Museum Of Art, NYC. I was hoping to get myself some Alexander McQueen inspiration, but surprisingly I got there on the first day of Schiaparelli and Prada exhibition. Pretty inspiring, I should say. As for a hat making shoe freak, that was a discovery. Crowded though, as NYC itself. That is what you have to deal when you get to be one foot away from world famous masterpieces on the apple of the worlds eye*...

*New York is also known as Big Apple (a dance is also called Big Apple). Talking of which... I really miss dancing and this morning at the starbucks caffee in the morning when they played a familiar swing piece I cried like a baby... Now I'm gonna sleep like a baby and wish tomorrow is not less wonderful as today...

I leave you with a song 'je ne veux pas travailler' that sounds mellow in my ear. Right now, right here.

lots of love, G.

NewYorkers vs Angelinos

It sounds grand and it is quite grand... sometimes even overwhelming. Now when I'm inhabiting this side of the world and get to be as local as it gets I can speak about the huge difference between the life style of the East and West of the US. I stare out of the window with amazement while fire engine is loudly flashing on a side street. New York is older, more sophisticated, smarter, has more style, and is wiser. He has peculiar smell but owns it as an old man owns his trench coat. New York is loud and does not apologize for pushing you to the limits of the persona you think you are. It strips your weaknesses and sharpens your wit. He puts you on a catwalk and helps you disappear, just wish for it. This place never stops and knows it's value without the mirror. It will chew you and spit you out if you'll just stand there and gaze. He will pierce you with gazillion stilleto heels on a damp summer night... New York will give you everything you want - your part is to find the right word to ask for it... LA is different. She has a good taste for popular perfume, she is always late, she doesn't keep her promise, cause it's all about small talk and sexy blink of featherly lashes... I sip cool coffee and look out of the window at this shabby bird. Everyone in LA has a gene of stardom. That's how and why they show up (literally). It's the place where you wear more flip flops than shoes, more dresses than jeans, more smile than serious eyebrows... you just want to slow down and chill, admiring hot beach bodied surfer boys cruising by. You can become one. You can wish for anything but in the end... you stay with what you got, because LA reality makes you feel so self-sufficient.. just make sure you catch all those muses that attack you with the rays of light and rainbowy waves of the Pacific.

2012 m. gegužės 9 d., trečiadienis


[ kepurių gamybos konvejeris ]

Štai, ką dar nunarpliojau pastarosiomis dienomis.
Here is what I've created these days. These hats don't fit everyone, but if it fits - it's the hottest thing ever. Yes to Jason.
I will put this on my etsy shop Giedruma as made to order, in case some of you would be interested in getting one made by me for you..

2012 m. gegužės 7 d., pirmadienis

Fan dance in progress

[ šokis su gerbėjais progresuoja ]

As I have probably mentioned before, I am continuously working on the dresser project :) Recently the biggest inspiration to me comes from Japanese and art deco patterns and here is the result of stenciling attempt. It's not finished yet and I will be adding flower motives on the side of the dresser or across the whole thing. I found fan stencil in this amazing stencil library and I'm looking fwd to snatch more of the beautiful stuff they have :) stenciling is a lot of fun and is a very fast way to decorate things. All you need is x-acto knife, a picture you want to stencil, a sheet of see-through plastic (I used a top sheet of a thin binder), a sponge or a brush and some paint.

2012 m. gegužės 1 d., antradienis


Maikių kilimas.

I love to transform things into something new after a while and I like working with what is around me. I see all of my transformations as sentiments for things that are not wearable anymore, but still too good to let go. And also ecology. Here is my last transformation of 7 T-shirt into the rug.

Santa Barbara ir vandens pilnas savaitgalis

(English version by request this time:)

Jei teisingai prisimenu, "Santa Barbara" buvo pirmas Amerikietiškas serialas, pasiekęs mus ankstyvais nepriklausomybės metais. Kai buvau vaikas, "Santa Barbara" man buvo kažkoks bendrinis žodis, reiškiantis nuolaitinę santykių dramą turtuolių pasaulyje ir niekada neįsivaizdavau, kad turėsiu progą pati įvertinti, kas per reiškinys ta Santa Barbara... Gerai, kad ne santykių, o gamtos pažinimo srityje.

Taigi, trumpai tariant, SB yra ramus ir prabangus miestas Ramiojo vandenyno pakrantėje, nuo LA kokios dvi valandos kelio greitkeliu 101. Pats miestas visiškai neįpatingas, išdegintas balandžio saulės, o visos legendinės karalių vilos, į kurias veda privačios gatvės ir alėjos, slepiasi kalnuose. 

Kai penktradienį aptarinėjom savaitgalio planus, mano didžiausias pageidavimas buvo žygiuoti kur nors prie vandens, taigi pasitelkdami pažintis ir Kalifornijos keliautojų bibliją sumetėm žiauriai gerą maršrutą su nemažai veiklos tiek kojoms, tiek rankoms. Penktadienį praleidom Hollister Ranch, kur Jason'as filmavo "To Be Friends". Pasakiško grožio privatus pasaulis atsiveria už akylai saugomų vartų: citrinmedžių ir avokadų sodai, privatus paplūdimys, keliu vaikštančios karvių gentys, kiparisai, eukaliptai ir vos ne vandeniu važiuojantis traukinys LA - San Franciskas. Traukinys privačioje žemėje nestoja, bet atrodo visiškai neįtikėtinai - kaip realybės lipdukas pasakos paveiksle.

Hollister valdose esanti Ramiojo vandenyno pakrantė yra geriausia vieta Californijoje stoti ant banglentės. Deja, į teritoriją patekti galima tik dviem būdais: nusipirkti žemės Santa Barbaroje arba atplaukti laivu ir nelipti į krantą.

Penktadienį buvo labai stiprus vėjas, todėl pasirodė vaivorykštinės bangos.

Truputį paplepėję su sodybos šeimininkais apie medų, Lietuvą ir kino reikalus, ėjom rinkti citrinų, laimų ir avokadų.

Santa Barbaros apylinėse šiuo metų laiku saulė leidžiasi ne į vandenį, o į kalnus. Temstant dar spėjau papozuoti prie Postcard Point.

Sutemus pasiekėm kempingą prie Cachuma ežero. Naktį šalta nebuvo, bet kai pabudau 7 ryto, viską gaubė rūkas. Nesimatė nei kur žemė, nei kur ežeras. Jo jo būta didelio ir grėsmingo... kadngi į ežerą kūno galių kišti negalima, nes tai yra geriamo vandens šaltinis, tai me jame šiek tiek paplaukiojom jūrine baidare.

Pagal vietinių standartus, 2,5 valandos baidarėje yra daug, ko pasekoje turiu dailų šortų formos įdegį ant kojų...

Ežero mums neužteko, todėl sekmadienio saulę užmigdėm kalnuose. Prieš važiuodami namo dar užsukom į Santa Barbaros kalnus ir įkopėm į vieną gražesnių apžvalgos taškų (1,25 mylios = 2.01 km). Takas vingiuoja aplink kalvą, nuolat drėkinamą paparčiais apaugusio džiunglių upelio.

Man atrodo reikia geresnio fotoaparato, nes SB neatrodo taip jau įspūdingai (o yra)... :)